Show Him Some Romance (women can romance men too)

I think there are a lot of women who don’t think romance in the relationship is their job. I have heard many women complain that their husband or boyfriend is never romantic with them. When I see/hear this, I wonder ‘why don’t you show him what you want then’?

Maybe he is not good (or even worse, clueless) in the romance department. A sensitive, romantic man is kind of a rarity, I think. But you CAN show him, you can teach him about what you like and want.

A man will go out of his way to make the woman he loves feel good about herself and the relationship. I know a lot of women (myself for one) fail to realize that no matter how well your partner knows you, he is not a mind reader. I am guilty of dropping hints and then being disappointed or even angry with him when he doesn’t pick up what I am putting down. You have to tell him or at least show him what you are wanting.

Wouldn’t it be nice if he thought to do all the ‘little’ romantical things for us that we dream of all on his own. But he probably won’t. He is not programmed like that. He is programmed to protect, provide and breed.

Some men do love romance and are great at remembering important dates and creating special moments for the 2 of you on a regular basis and for no particular reason, but that is the exception.

If you crave those kinds of things and require them to be happy, you have to tell him and show him that is what you want.
Don’t be disappointed when he tries and only gets it 50% right by your standards. He probably gave 110% for you.

We always assume the man should surprise us, the man should buy us flowers, the man should remember special occasions, the man should cook us a romantic dinner or rub our feet. But my question is, why can’t women buy their man flowers, or plan their anniversary dinner (since you will remember)?

Why do we put all the romantical eggs in the mans basket?
It is perfectly acceptable for a woman to wine and dine and romance the ever-loving shit out their man.

If you’re not getting the romance and sexy moments that you crave, create them for him. You will no doubt, enjoy your efforts too!

Here are 8 fun, sexy & romantic idea’s to create steamy moments and cherished memories.
Please feel free to share your romantic idea’s in the comments section below, we would love that!
(WARNING: Strong sexual content and language)
#1)Naked and Spread Eagle

When I was 29 I dated a guy I thought was ‘the one’.
We were so attracted to each other and had the most intense chemistry, we could not keep our hands off one another.

I went to Wal-Mart, a discount shoe store and a few sex stores. I purchased a shiny black pair of high high heels, A crop, a thick beautiful pink boa and candles.

I did my hair and make up. About 20 minutes before I knew he would be home, I striped naked and put on my new shiny black heels and my boa.

I lit a few scented candles and I grabbed my favorite vibrator. I got comfortable on my bed and began to work myself up for him.

When he walked in the house and called for me, I remained silent. He walked into the bedroom and found me legs spread, masturbating in my Shiny heels and my boa draped around my neck.

I don’t think I had ever seen a man undress so fast.
He loved it so much he would even talk about it while we had sex days later. I loved it too.

I was nervous and felt self-conscious while I was waiting for him to discover me in the bedroom, but as soon as I seen the look on his face when he saw me all I felt was good to go.

I did this for him a few times in the 6 months we were together (He was the only guy I ever did this for) but man did he love it.
#2) Nothing but a trench coat

When I was 27ish (I can’t remember exact age) I was dating a guy that I was crazy about( I am a woman who loves love, I fall easily).

Anyways, It was Saturday night and we had date plans. He picked me up around 7pm and we went for appetizers and drinks at Boston Pizza near my place.

It was summer time and quite warm out, which would have been why he gave me a weird look when I hopped into his mustang wearing a black trench coat and heels. He leaned over and kissed me hello and told me I looked beautiful.

While we were Standing in line waiting to be seated I stood face to face directly in front of him and opened my trench coat enough for him to see that I was completely naked underneath.

“Holy Shit” he coughed out with a HUGE smile on his face.
We shared sexy glances and snickers together while we ate our snackies and sipped our beverages. I felt so badass, naughty and sexy knowing I was naked under my coat in a restaurant packed with strangers.

I tried to eat and drink slowly as possible, I wanted to drive my boyfriend crazy with desire. When we were finished our food and beverages, we paid our tab and left.

As soon as we got out side the restaurant he grabbed me, spun me to face him and said ‘I can not believe you did that, you are the craziest person I have ever met!”

On the drive home we pulled into the L.R.T station parking lot, which was empty and had sex in his car (which was tricky as fuck cause mustangs are small, the shifter kept digging into my leg as well as I kept banging my head off the roof).

Then 2 more times once we got back to my place. He told me that once he knew that I was naked under my coat that he couldn’t think about anything besides having sex with me. He said he kept getting hard in the restaurant and it made him uncomfortable, he said it was a crazy experience-one for ‘the books’. I only ever did that with him.
#3)Shower him with gifts

I have bought my boyfriends and dates Gifts, flowers, dinner, and teddy bears. Some of my girlfriends (*ehem Shannon) Said that I was lame for it and that guys don’t dig that kind of thing from women. But I didn’t care. It made me feel good to do those things for someone and it seemed like the men I did it for enjoyed and appreciated the gesture and 100% of the time it was reciprocated.
#4) Support the bromance

This will not sound romantic to many women but I think it is a very caring and romantic idea. Tried, tested and true. I have bought tickets to a sporting event, a manly flick (that I had no interest in seeing) & to a concert for my man and one of his buddies. It shows trust, awesomeness and scores you points with his buddies. Guys need to keep the love alive in their bromances too ladies.
Trust me, this gesture will not go unreciprocated or unappreciated.
#5) Satisfy both of his appetites

I on more than a few occasions have made a boyfriend his favorite meal, (Lasagna, in this case). I make a mean lasagna so, that was a good start.

I also bought red wine, made a creamy caesar salad and buttery garlic toast to accompany our meal.
I set the table with all the fixings, my nicest dishes, polished silverware and of course candlelight.

When he knocked on the door, I yelled for him to come into the kitchen. Once in the kitchen, I asked him to have a seat at the table. I was wearing nothing but high heels and an apron.

I gave him head while he sat at the table and I even told him to take a picture. After he was sexually satisfied, we enjoyed a wonderful dinner together.

He even cleaned up, put left overs away and did the dishes for me. This has been equally appreciated, exciting, sexy and romantic each time I have done it.
#6) Rub down

Most men (the men I have dated anyways) have all loved to get a full body massage. I was surprised to learn that 2 of 3 men I had massaged had never received a full body rub down from past girlfriends.

I was more than delighted to be the first. I have given these great massages in a bed, on the floor and in a bathtub. Ask him to completely undress and lie face down on the floor (or where ever).

Light candles (candles always say sexy time to me). Make sure you have some really thick cream or massage oil. I like to get my massage oil from the sex shop. I can’t think of the name at the moment but it smells and tastes wonderful and gets hot when you blow on it.

I start at his head (without oil) and gently rub and massage his scalp and neck. Then work your way down leaving no area of skin untouched. Make sure to give his lower back and his ass a good rubbing too. Rub his feet for at least 5 minutes per foot (don’t tickle him).

Gently ask him to roll towards you now. Get undressed in front of him. Don’t let him touch you. You will massage his front slightly differently than you did his back. Don’t massage his face with your oily hands(lol).

As you work your way down to his feet, do not touch his penis when you get there. Just massage around it. Spend another 5 minutes on each foot. Make your way back up slowly and stop at his member.

He should be hard as a rock, if he was too relaxed he might not be. It’s not a big deal as soon as you being to massage his penis he will get hard.

Decide whether you are going to make this entirely about him and finish him off via massage, fellatio or whether you want to ride him to the finish line.

Either you can easily spend 2-3 totally romantic hours on his massage, foreplay and the finish.
#7) Sexy, secluded picnic for 2

I once planned a riverside picnic for me and a guy I was seeing. We had snacks, a couple soft blankets and a bottle of wine. The spot I chose was a place that only a handful of people knew about in my hometown.

It was heavily secluded by bush and rock. We had a private riverside spot for 2. We swam, rock jumped and lazed in the sun on our blanket. We also had sex in the river as well as on land.

It was so sexy because even though the chances of someone catching us was slim, there was always still a chance. It also felt so wild and free. That was one of the best days I ever had with a man.

Maybe you don’t have a private river or late spot. That doesn’t matter, as long as you are out doors and out of the public eye, you can have a very romantic day.
#8) Body dessert.

Not everyone is into this sort of thing. I am. I am so into eating whip cream, ice cream and chocolate sauce of someone else or having it eaten off me.

There is a certain way to eat dessert off another person, you don’t just plop a scoop of ice cream on their dick or stomach and start smooshing it all around as you eat it, No.

You must keep the items in their respective containers and use small amounts. It’s the feeling of the different textures and temperatures of the dessert ingredients that make it sexy and fun.

I would put a small scoop of ice cream in my mouth and a small squirt of chocolate sauce on his penis. I would then with the cold ice cream in my mouth lick up the warm chocolate sauce with my cold tongue. See how that works?

It also feels very interesting (good interesting) to have whip cream eaten from your vagina while he has ice cream in his mouth. Cold lips also feel nice while they kiss and lick warm chocolate from your breasts.

Some people are all concerned about getting sticky and making a mess. They should get over it. You can have a shower afterwards and I’m pretty sure your sheets can go in the washer. Live a little, try something new and have some real sexy fun.

You’re welcome 🙂
Now go my friends and bone, bone like you have never bung before!

19 thoughts on “Show Him Some Romance (women can romance men too)

  1. Reblogged this on Take My Word For It, It's Just My Opinion. and commented:
    I spent about 4 hours writing this post today. Once I was done, I was like ‘Master piece’ *in a high pitched voice*
    I HAD to re-blog this from my best friends and my blog ‘Kibits’ to Kalevera. BE WARNED she gets maybe a little too sexy for some.


  2. Wow! That’s an awesome post. 5 years ago my husband and I went through a huge marriage crisis. After we decided (actually I decided to give us one more chance, I also was the one that stepped up and spoke up and opened up the crisis) to start new, our sex life rushed into a totally new and much higher level. During the time of our crises I transformed totally and freed myself of old bounderies and moral thinking. So I was open to everything and to discover myself, my life and everything in it new – also sexuality. I did things I never did before and started to live my fantasies. And that gave my husband the permission to do the same. I experience sex in a way I had never thought in my wildest dreams. So your post is right what I developed through my change. I can only encourage every woman to open up for the physical joys, which are part of this life experience. Don’t wait for action of your man, show him what you want by doing what you want. It strengthens the body, the self esteem and boosts your zest for life – actually sexuality is an expression of the zest for life. Great Inspiration… my fantasy got another kick!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for sharing that with us E. I love being able to share and talk about anything with good people who get what you are all about. I was not sure if this post was too much information when I first wrote it, as there is a lot of sex and language, but then I figured what the heck and posted it.
      We are adults here and this is a ‘sex and dating in your 30’s blog’ so, its bound to get kinda crazy in here.
      I love reading your comments, you are so insightful.
      As always, thank you for being such a great supporter. I appreciate it.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Very nice post. Nice to see some ladies out there take the initiative sometimes. Not always easy to always be the one coming up with new and interesting tricks. I love reading you both. Thanks!


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